Top money-saving guides for your photography practice

First published:
September 14, 2022
February 6, 2024

Top money-saving guides for your photography practice

First published:
September 14, 2022
February 6, 2024

There's a myriad of ways you can save money while still enjoying your photography to its fullest extent, read these guides and see how

1 Five simple ways you can save money on your photography hobby

During difficult economic times, you can still enjoy doing what you love, here are some quick and easy tips on how to save money on your photography hobby.

Marketplaces like MPB are an excellent place to buy used kit at very reasonable prices. See more quick money-saving tips with our guide

2 Five best free photo editing software apps

Who doesn’t like a freebie? Believe it or not, the internet is full of free software options covering a range of functions and photo editing software is no exception. Here our roundup of some of the best free photo editing software currently available.

RawTherapee (Raw editing) is a powerful piece of editing software that's free to use. See more with our guide

3 Nine money-saving hacks for your photography accessories

Boost your creativity and save yourself some cash in the process with these simple yet highly effective photo hacks for accessories.

Creating perfect white backgrounds for certain types of shots, can be made with ease using just a sheet of white A4 paper and a few blobs of Blue Tac. See more hacks with our guide
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