The Best of Focus 2021

First published:
November 25, 2021
July 28, 2023

The Best of Focus 2021

First published:
November 25, 2021
July 28, 2023

Cover image by Jaromir Chalabala

Over the last year, an ever-growing network of photography experts have contributed world-class advice for Picfair members through guides, articles, & video tutorials. Here are some of the most popular

As much as 2021 has been a tumultuous year, it was also the year that Focus came into its own. While we launched in 2020, it's been over the course of this year that we brought on more writers, more experts and introduced video tutorials to help you improve and hone your craft. We continue to see an ever-increasing number of readers, and as the editor of Focus, it's been an absolute thrill and pleasure to see so much engagement.

So without any further ado, here are some of the most popular articles from the past year. We hope these serve as a source of inspiration on where to go next on your photography journey.

- Philip (Focus Editor)

1 A beginner's guide to image licensing

When it comes to selling your photography, image licensing will always play a big part in how you make money from your work. This guide will ensure you know the ins and outs. Read the full article here.

2 What type of camera is right for you

Should you spend money on the latest DSLR, stick to a smartphone or consider something completely different? Read on here.

3 10 lesser-known destinations in North America for landscape photography

Top tips for taking photos of lesser-visited waterfalls, glaciers, sand dunes, sinkholes and more. See the full list here.

4 How to photograph your pets

Pets can make for wonderful subjects but it can be a challenge to get that perfect shot. Follow these top tips and simple editing techniques to take your animal photos to the next level. Read the full article here.

5 10 tips for boosting landscapes in Lightroom

Enhance colours, boost details and add to the drama in your outdoor photos with these simple editing tricks. See the full 10 tips here.

6 How to pitch your photography to a publisher

Discover the best way to get the attention of editors and showcase your work to a wider audience. Article here.

7 Macro photography & mental health - think small

Paul Williams discusses his journey with macro photography, how it saved his life, and the benefits everyone can take from capturing macro images to aid mental health. Read on.

8 How to fix underexposed photos in Lightroom & Photoshop

Captured an amazing scene but underexposed the shot? Here's how to fix it...

9 8 reasons why your pictures are blurry

It can be incredibly frustrating when you look at your photos and discover that they are blurry. See some of the most common reasons why here.

10 How to create an engaging photography portfolio website

10 top tips to help you get the very best out of an online portfolio of your photography. Learn more here.

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