Picfair Themes in-depth - Minimal Theme

First published:
April 26, 2024
May 22, 2024

Picfair Themes in-depth - Minimal Theme

First published:
April 26, 2024
May 22, 2024

The perfect Picfair Store layout for those who want simplicity and minimum fuss, and where the images do all the talking...

Picfair Themes - The Minimal Theme

Go to instructions:  How to set up your Picfair Theme.

Go to: Index of Picfair Themes Preview Stores.

Preview Picfair's Minimal Theme

The design

We’ve crafted our Minimal Theme with the essence of style with simplicity. Understated, yet striking at the same time.

The background is a soft grey, with images displayed in rows, and we’ve designed the layout so that there’s ample space between each photo (you can change this with your spacing customisations, should you wish) to give your images breathing space. So they can do all the talking.

We’ve also used a small, simple, navy font for the store theme, so it’s not too bright, colourful, or too dark or overly imposing over your photography. Yet it’s a font that’s still pleasing to the eye and contemporary. Overall, presenting the Minimal Theme as a highly sleek home for your photos.

Example of a Pic page with the Minimal Theme

What types of images does this theme suit in particular?

The Minimal Theme lends well to architecture, abstract, landscape, and fine art photography. But this Picfair Theme has also been designed to be an “all-rounder” for which many photographic genres and subjects fit perfectly.

Example of an About page with the Minimal Theme
What to do next?

Preview the Minimal Theme with our example store.

Set the Minimal Theme for your Picfair Store from your Picfair Dashboard.

Learn more about customizing your Picfair Store with our feature guides.
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