How does Picfair choose photos to feature on its social media channels

First published:
August 19, 2024
September 3, 2024

How does Picfair choose photos to feature on its social media channels

First published:
August 19, 2024
September 3, 2024

All images from photographers featured on Picfair's social media channels, unless otherwise stated.

Discover how to increase your chances of getting your images featured on Picfair’s social media channels. This guide offers practical tips on what we look for in standout photos and highlights common pitfalls to avoid...

Editor's note:

Only photographers with Picfair Plus accounts will be able to have their images potentially selected for showcasing on Picfair's social media channels.

Unless otherwise stated, all images in this guide have been featured on Picfair's Instagram and/or Facebook channels. Which we highly recommend you take a look at!

What does Picfair look for when selecting image to feature on social media?

At Picfair, we love to feature images uploaded to photographer stores on our social media channels, Facebook and Instagram, and showcase them to our 350,000 followers, championing photographers' work on the platform. We’ve been doing this since day one of Picfair and plan to continue doing it in the long run.

However, thousands of images are uploaded to Picfair Stores daily. While we look at every single image uploaded, as much as we’d love to feature everybody’s photos, it’s simply not impossible. So, we only select a small number of images to feature on social media. If you want your pictures featured on our social media channels, they must catch our eye and stand out.

Below, we discuss what we look for in an image to be featured and also what we will avoid. We hope this information will help increase your chances of success!

Take a look below, with some visual examples. Combining one or more will significantly increase your chances of us featuring your image:

1 Good quality images

We want people to be wowed by the photography they see on Picfair's social media channels. It’s good for the platform and photographers, not to mention (we like to think) good for visitors to share and enjoy photography of our members with Picfair Stores.

Of course, photography is subjective, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, some prevalent traits make an image more visually pleasing than others, and we’ll always (naturally) look to showcase these types of photos.

All three of the above, very different, images have all been featured on Picfair's social media channels for their quality and originality
Here are some examples, with some visuals from social media channels:

- Correct exposure
- Level horizon
- Clear frame without distractions
- Good use of formal elements (colour, line, shape, etc; see our
complete guide on formal elements)
- Sharp, clear, in focus and without blur
- Good composition that is well-considered.
- Clear technical skill
Editor’s tip:

We have many guides to help you get better images across Focus; browse here.

Images that tell a story

We want visitors to Picfair’s social media channels, whether they are fellow photographers, enthusiasts, or even potential customers, to feel inspired, delve deeper into the meaning behind the image, and critically question and view what they are looking at (as you would do in any gallery). For these reasons, we love pictures that tell a story.

For images where you want the story to come through, it’s super important to include contextual information you want viewers to know. This type of information is perfect for including in the titles and captions for your images.

Images that tell a story are certainly a contender to be featured on social media

3 An unusual take on a well-visited photo type:

We love to feature anything unique, unusual, or a different take on a well-trodden photo subject that might surprise or challenge the viewer. For example, a different take on photographing a well-known place or a different perspective on a street scene or architecture. Don’t hesitate to upload something completely different–challenge and surprise us with your photos! We love to see new ideas and content all the time, and the more we’re made to think about an image, the more likely we’ll consider it for sharing on our social media.

Reasons Picfair will avoid images to feature on social media

1 Lack of captions or titles with an image

Images must have accompanying information to be featured, period. We want to tell the context behind an image and so for your pics to be featured they need to have a title and description. Also, it is not good photography practice in general to not provide any contextual information with your pictures. Ask yourself, how do you expect someone to buy an image when they can’t see any information about it?

Remember, you can add titles and captions to your photos from your image library at any time. It’s quick and straightforward and could make all the difference in whether your image gets featured.

You may have the most stunning image our team has ever seen, but it will only be featured with caption or title information.

Having no information with a photo is the main reason we will avoid images to feature on social media!

Poor quality images

As in the above information on what we do feature, we will avoid images with a wonky horizon, incorrect exposure, unintentional blurriness, insufficient resolution, poor framing, and a general lack of care over the quality. While we welcome you to upload any type of image to your store, the team here at Picfair will only select very few to feature on our social media channels. So, please do consider that when uploading your images.

Example of the types of images that we will avoid for Picfair's social media channels, including blurred images, messy composition, incorrect exposure and wonky horizons

3 Anything offensive, derogatory, or what goes against Picfair’s core values

This should go without saying, but we will not feature anything explicit, offensive, illegal, or inappropriate for a public photography platform! Learn more about our general acceptance criteria in our FAQs.

What’s the best way to get a good look at the types of photos on Picfair's social media?

Of course, that would be by simply following us on social media! This way, you’ll get the “Pic of the Day” on Facebook and Instagram delivered to your feed, which features a different image from a different photographer every day! So, after a while, you’ll get an excellent visual idea of the type of work featured on our channels.

Browse Picfair's Facebook and Instagram profiles to get a good idea of the types of images featured

Final thoughts and next steps:

Having your images featured on Picfair’s social media channels is a brilliant opportunity to get additional exposure to your work to a broad audience and gain extra recognition as a photographer. Focusing on storytelling and originality while ensuring your images are well-captioned and of excellent quality will significantly enhance your chances of being selected.

Remember, every image you upload to your Picfair Store should reflect your unique perspective as a photographer. So, you should perfect your shots, provide context through thoughtful captions, and experiment with fresh approaches to familiar subjects. While we can’t promise that every photo will be featured, following these guidelines will give your work the best chance.

We look forward to seeing your images and can’t wait to share your work with the world! If you need to visit your library to add captions, you can do so here. If you feel inspired to add more content to your Picfair Store, upload here.

If you haven’t signed up for a Picfair Store yet, it takes just a minute to do so. Sign up here.

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