Focus editor Philip shares his five best tips to help you have the best chance at success with selling the photos from your mobile phone
1 Choose your best mobile images
2 Edit your photos smartly
3 Make sure images are technically sound
4 Add context to your photos
5 Share your pics with the world
Final thoughts
5 expert tips for selling your mobile photography
Whether you're just starting out with mobile photography or have a camera roll brimming with thousands of images, selling your photos can be a lucrative venture. With the right approach, you can turn your snapshots into income.
Here are my five simple yet powerful tips to help you sell your smartphone images and achieve impressive results!
1 Choose only your best mobile photos

When selling pics taken on your mobile, only choose your very best images. Your customers are only ever going to remember your strongest shots, and you want to keep their attention. The best way to do this, is have a strong, tightly edited portfolio of images.
Go through your camera roll with a critical eye and mark, tick or star all those images that you like the most and think that are worthy of selling. A great idea is to make an album of your best images on your phone, so they are all readily available in once place, without having to do lots of scrolling...
If you're new choosing your best images, with a critical eye, take a look at our guide on self-critiquing your photos.
2 Edit your photos smartly
It's always worthwhile editing those photos you want to make available for sale, but don't overdo it with the adjustments.
If you need to up the contrast to make the image punchier, correct the horizon to make it level, or crop out some unwanted elements of your photo. then by all means do so, these small adjustments can make all the difference.
Just don't edit the image so much that it no longer resembles anything close to the original shot taken!
Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't apply any stylistic elements to your images (for example you could use a preset to get a certain look for your pictures, check out Picfair's Presets for this), but one of the biggest selling points about mobile photography is that it presents an authentic view of the world. So I'd recommend keep your images like that, too.
If you're looking for a great photo editor for your mobile, I'd highly recommend Lightroom for Mobile, it's free and there's plenty of guides and tutorials out there to show you how you can use it. We've also got an entire Lightroom category of guides on Focus too! If you've made an album of all of the images you want to sell, it's very easy to then go through and edit each one!
3 Make sure images are technically sound

Any photo that's blurry or pixellated isn't going to sell well.
Always take a look at your images at 100% on your smartphone device, or if you can, also on a desktop screen. You'll be able to see any imperfections much easier and if there are any images that can't be fixed, then it's best to leave them one out of your portfolio. Trust me on this one, it's not going to do your business any good selling images that have visual issues!
If there's an image that you really like but there's an issue with it, go and reshoot it (if you can)! If not, move on the next image...
4 Add context to your photos

Once you've chosen your images, and edited them to your liking the next step is to make them available for people to see!
When you're preparing your images to sell online (such as uploading to your Picfair Store) make sure you provide your photos with plenty of contextual information too, by giving them a proper title and caption.
If you image has a fantastic story behind it, then tell it! Customers love to know what's behind an image and how you came to take that photo.
If you're unsure about what information to add for the title and captions of your photos, then take a look at our dedicated guide.
5 Share your pics with the world (but make a plan)

Once you've got your images online and all the relevant info with them, it's time to share them with the world, and it's best to get a plan in place for this beforehand.
First, make a dedicated album (or several) of your mobile images. Then, once you've got your images in a place where you're happy with them. Share the links to your albums or picture pages with people!
Make a plan of who it is you want to share your pics with. Ask yourself, would that be your friends and family first, your social media followers, or someone else? Write down your objectives, and who you might think your target audience is, and work from there.
Remember, lots of news and media outlets are always looking for interesting images to use for their editorials, so if you feel you might have something relevant for them–get in touch. The same goes if your images are based on a particular niche–if you know that particular niche has a following, then attempt to tap into it!
If this final tip feels a bit overwhelming, don't worry. We've plenty of in-depth guides on selling and marketing your images, see our content collection 'How to sell your photography' for more info!
Final thoughts
If you've got to the bottom of this guide, then I hope it's given you both the know how and confidence to get started with selling your mobile images. Remember, choose your best images (and make sure they are technically sound), don't edit too much, tell a story with your images, and share them once you're ready!
Remember, with Picfair Stores, you've got all the tools you need for sharing and selling your photos in a beautiful setting with your own storefront. If you haven't done so yet, sign up here.