The top 10 best destinations in the world for street photography

First published:
September 9, 2022
February 6, 2024

The top 10 best destinations in the world for street photography

First published:
September 9, 2022
February 6, 2024

Indian cycle rickshaw driver sleeps on his bicycle by Dmitry Rukhlenko

Street photography can provide some of the most engaging photos. So here are 10 of the best street photography destinations in the world...

1 Fez (Morocco)

Market in Morocco. Photo by Irene - f/3.5 | ISO 320 | 1/25s

This historic northeastern Moroccan city is one best locations in the world for street photography enthusiasts. Whilst the architecture is also of interest, for street photographers, nothing will beat wandering around the UNESCO World Heritage old town (or medina).

As you amble around the narrow maze-like passageways, you’ll be treated to locals going about their daily lives, artisans making products and shopkeepers haggling with shoppers on everything from carpets and souvenirs to pottery and lamps. The only challenge will be being able to capture sharp images as the narrow streets are fairly dark, so you will have to raise your ISO accordingly to have a fast enough shutter speed for handheld photography.

2 New Delhi (India)

Indian cycle rickshaw driver sleeps on his bicycle. Photo by Dmitry Rukhlenko - f/4 | ISO 400 | 1/250s

This is a city that divides opinion. For some, it's too dirty, polluted, noisy and busy. But for others like me, there is arguably no other place in the world like it! The street photography opportunities are endless and even the most novice of photographers will almost certainly end up with some incredible photos.

The old quarter of Delhi is where you will find most street photographers. Wondering around the narrow streets and markets, you will be shooting rapidly, capturing photos of the various market stalls, shopkeepers, the products on sale and the colourful saris that are adorned by women. They add a vibrant splash of colour, against the dark muted backgrounds of the buildings. 

3 Bangkok (Thailand)

Old guy from Thailand. Photo by Ykä Kiukkonen - f/1.4 | ISO 3200 | 1/125s

The capital of Thailand might be famous for its temples and sky bars, but it is also a wonderful street photography destination. Walking along most streets will offer opportunities to photograph locals going about their day or even artisans and craftsman working in their shops. You will also see plenty of street food carts which are also great points of interest for street photographers.

But arguably, the best street photography location in Bangkok will be in Chinatown along Yaowarat Road in the Samphanthawong District. Visit at night and the neon signs will be shining bright and street food stalls and restaurants full of activity.

4 Hanoi (Vietnam)

Street barber. Photo by Angus Charles Robert McDougall - f/4 | ISO 500 | 1/320s

Sitting along the Red River, Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. Like most cities in this part of the world, you would expect plenty of street photography opportunities and you won’t be disappointed.

The Old Quarter is an explosion of activity and when you are not busy jumping out of the way of scooters, you’ll be looking in every direction for the next photo. What makes this location unique for street photography (besides the conical hats) is that the streets are busy from dawn to dusk. So you can shoot all day in a relatively small area.

5 Rome (Italy)

Trastevere street shadows. Photo by Richard Kendrick

The Eternal City is one of the most significant cities in the history of western civilisation. So much of its influence can be seen across Europe. The city itself is beautiful and worth a photography visit.

But beyond its museums, historic buildings and magnificent food, Rome also offers fantastic street photography opportunities. Whether its people whizzing about on their motorbikes, or locals chatting over an espresso, you won’t be disappointed with your street photos from Rome. Especially as your backdrops might just be some of those stunning famous buildings that we all know so well.

6 New York (USA)

Colourful street view in Manhattan. Photo by Perry van Munster - f/5.6 | ISO 100 | 1/125s

The Big Apple has always been a favourite location for photographers. Whether you are after cityscapes or food, NYC has it all. And naturally, it is also a great street photography location as well. From city executives on Wall Street to locals playing cards in Chinatown, New York is a city that is made for street photography.

7 Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Boca Juniors tattoo. Photo by Danny Last - f/1.8 | ISO 20 | 1/800s

Head to La Boca in Buenos Aries, and you can immerse yourself in two of Argentina’s biggest passions, tango and football! The colourful buildings will provide the backdrops for street performers who will go through their rendition of the tango. And when you have shot enough tango photos, turn your attention to football where street art of famous footballers and Argentina’s favourite player Diego Maradona is seemingly on every wall.

Just be very careful walking around La Boca alone as it’s a very dangerous place. My best advice would be to get yourself a local guide and be sure to leave before it’s dark!

8 London (England)

Black and white on Brick Lane. Photo by Don Ferguson - f/5.6 | ISO 400 | 1/210s

It may not be an obvious choice when it comes to street photography, but London is a great city for anyone who wants to look beyond the famous monuments. Head to the East End of London for those gritty and authentic street photography opportunities.

But even in the centre of London, there are plenty of places where you can capture unique street photos. For example, Leake Street graffiti tunnel, the skate park in Waterloo, the Southbank, Camden, Soho and even the passages in Neil’s Yard off Covent Garden are all great places to explore and capture very different photos of London.

9 Istanbul (Turkey)

Istanbul lovers. Photo by Wangting - f/2.8 | ISO 100 | 1/1250s

Straddling two continents, Istanbul manages to offer both modern and old in the same city. The Old City is home to the famous and historic buildings that are so synonymous with this city. But there are also plenty of street photography possibilities.

One of the biggest and best places to visit is the Grand Bazaar which is one of the biggest and oldest covered markets in the world. Photography is challenging in the market due to the low light, but you will find that around most stalls there will be enough light for handheld photography at a fast enough shutter speed.

10 Havana (Cuba)

Street life in Havana. Photo by Mark Allison - f/5.6 | ISO 400 | 1/100s

I have saved (possibly) the best street photography destination till last! No amount of time will be enough to capture everything that you possibly can in Havana. Every street in La Habana Vieja (Old Havana) is picturesque and there is always a photo opportunity.

But even beyond Old Havana, for a street photographer, the photos don’t stop. In fact, I firmly believe that you can simply stand on any given street corner and end up with a ton of great photos by the end of the day. The best advice I can give anyone for photographing Havana is to simply walk around and take your time. Oh, and to take plenty of memory cards!

Author notes:

There are so many other great street photography locations that I could have included in this list. For example, Rio de Janeiro, Paris and even places like Tehran, Tokyo and Beijing could easily be on the list. But then that’s what is great about street photography. Every street in the world has the potential for great street photos.
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