5 simple hacks to make your photography store work harder

First published:
November 4, 2022
February 5, 2024

5 simple hacks to make your photography store work harder

First published:
November 4, 2022
February 5, 2024

Consider implementing these 5 simple additions to your photography store or website to help drive sales

Here I use my own photography store as an example to show you what you can do, however you can apply these to any type of photography page, store or website and you'll no doubt over time find what works best for you.

1 Add a contact email or telephone number to your storefront

A really simple one; provide a point of contact so people can get in touch with you!

Potential customers will often have questions or want to know more about your work or business, so give them a way to get in touch with you quickly; it’ll make you look far more professional. It is the same for editors and publishers who might be interested in doing a feature on your work; the first thing they’ll do on your site is looking for a way to contact you, and if they can’t find that easily, they’ll swiftly move on.

In the about section of your store or website, provide a point of contact so visitors can get in touch with you easily - this could open up a lot of opportunities

2 Mention additional services you can provide alongside your contact info

As well as providing a point of contact, you should include any relevant information on additional services you can provide. For example, if you actively teach photography and run workshops, mention this too! A potential customer may be landing on your website, and they might not be looking for images right away. Still, they could find what else you can offer to be of more immediate interest.

A great place to add information on additional services is in your bio. Keep it clear and concise along with any other information, and invite a conversation by providing an email contact or telephone number.

See the example below, you could write something as simple as:

'Outdoor photographer with a particular love of the cold North Sea (describes your work). I also write about photography and run workshops (adds in services). Email me at hello@philipmowbray.com to discuss any projects  or simply say hi! (invites a conversation).

If you offer additional services with your photography practice, such as workshops, make sure you advertise this across your site too - and again make sure it's followed up with a point of contact

3 Include your site address on all of your social bios and email signatures

Anywhere you are regularly posting or sharing thoughts or information, whether on your social media profiles or in your email exchanges, include the link to your portfolio and store. It’ll cement a reminder of your photography offering in the minds of your followers, friends and family - and remember, often, your friends, family and regular contacts will be some of your best customers!

Include a link to your site in all the places you post or send correspondence, it's a quick and easy way to drive more visits to your site

4 Create a special place for new images (and keep it current)

More often than not, a customer may visit your website several times and browse before they commit to a sale. A photographer who looks busy and is constantly working gives a better impression to potential buyers - plus, if they like your work and keep coming back, they’ll want to see what images you’ve been working on (which could also lead to potential future sales). With this in mind, it’s worth creating a particular page or album where you can showcase anything new - and provide an easy-to-find with this, too, like a link in the menu bar or feature it on the homepage.

Create a special page or album for any new images - visitors always like to see fresh work, and it'll also give the impression that you're constantly busy and making new images. Just make sure you keep it regularly updated
On the menu of your website or store too, create a link to your page with your new work, so visitors can navigate to it easily

5 Run discount offers on your images (& advertise it)

Sometimes you just need that little extra to persuade your customer to go ahead and buy your photos. An excellent way to do this is to create discounted offers on your work from time to time. For example, around Christmas, you might want to consider a discounted rate on your images to encourage sales. Just make sure to advertise this well across your store or site.

One great way to advertise your offer with immediate impact is to create a welcome graphic or splash page (a page which appears when someone first clicks on your website) which displays the offer immediately. Like the example below:

Running offers on your images is a great way to drive and encourage sales, especially for gift-giving holidays. Make sure you advertise any offer you're running across your site well, and for immediate impact - make it the first thing a visitor sees on your website, like this welcome page example.
Top tip:

If you’re creating a welcome graphic or splash page, ensure the image you’re using is well below 1Mb in size so the image loads quickly. A major deterrent for website visitors is slow-loading pages.
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